Wednesday, March 25, 20099:18 PM
Say hello to flu and goodbye to holidays.
Out of a sudden I'm having bouts of flu. Sneezing non stop like I've contracted the sneezing bug or something. Sigh. Must be the weather and lack of sleep recently. It's been raining everyday here in Penang, which I rejoice to the sound of lightning and thunder cause I heart rain.
And I'm having imsomnia recently. Just couldn't sleep deeply these few days. Maybe cause my bolster ain't with me. =(
Holidays are so pathetic cause I have 2 lab reports to do, plus a probability and statistic homework which is to be handed in by Sunday. Sadistic lecturers. Sigh.
But seriously, this semester is a very fast one. One more month in UTP and it's finals already. Which means boyf and roomie is going to intern, and I'll be having a new roomie. And a new room. =)
And I just realized I have 34 books in my closet, 7 read and 27 more waiting to be flipped open. 3 books in UTP. Which altogether makes 30. I think I should stop buying books for now. Seriously. I'm in deep trouble if I keep on buying and not being able to finish the rest.
Ah. I can't wait for semester break; and intern! =)