I'm back! Got my well deserved rest over the weekend. It was so good to be able to sleep for uber long, not having to worry about anything. Just great. We all do deserve it don't we? ;)
Had been eating way too much lately. Haha. Had very healthy breakfast every morning. Koko Krunch + Milk + Bananas + Half Boiled Egg. Good and nutritious. Enough to start my day.
Haven't applied for internship yet. Only started with Accenture Solutions. Will start applying tomorrow. I'll only be applying a few companies. Hopefully God will give me a good company. =)
On the 26th of August was Cally's Bday. We celebrated her bday the traditional way. Eggs + flour + water. With butter. Haha. We thought she would cry, cause it would definitely be a huge mess. Getting myself smeared with the birthday cake on my birthday was bad enough, but having eggs, flour, butter and water on you is the worst nightmare.
We tricked her by asking her to rush over to V5 cafe to settle some assignments which needed to be handed in the next day. She came, after she took her bath, carrying her books, wearing a sweater.
Books on the table, sweater on top of it. We presented her with a piece of Roti Canai Kosong to substitute with the birthday cake, asked her to close her eyes to make a wish. After that, it was CHAOS. The moment she finished her wish, the first egg flew to her back, followed by the second and third. Flour came next, and eggs continued to rain upon her.
She finally took in what happened, and started to chase everyone around. Haha. We were like kids that night, yes kids. Though we may be 21, but we are still young at heart.
Quoted from Amy "I love my coursemates because they run around V5 like nobody's business".
B'day celebrations are that cool.