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thy queen
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hook me up
scream your lungs
nuff niggas
links ahoy!
its easy to clap
where do you come from
Funny Mountain Tau Fu Fah @Ipoh
Friday, September 17, 20105:16 PM

Argh urgh everytime I think of fyp, I feel like puking every single thing out. Every single thing that I've just consumed. :(((( Have been delaying and procrastinating to the max, mid semester is about to be over and my progress report is still stuck at 30%. Still stuck at literature review. Greatness. Pffftt.

Anyway, went for food hunt on the first day of Raya. And I finally found this.


Been wanting to try that for so long and finally I did! Pictures up next but I only used my Sony DSC T-10 so yeah quality's a tad bad. Sorry. :(

It's a corner shop

Queued for 10 mins just for 2 bowls of tau fu fah and 2 bottles of soya bean milk

Opens at 10.30a.m. and closes when closes when everything finishes (i.e. sold out)

They even made it into the papers

5 people working at one go

After 10 minutes

Verdict : AWESOME! Seriously awesome. Never tried such 'smooth' tau fu fah in my life before. But one set back, the sugar that comes with it is superbly sweet. I'm not a sweet tooth person so yeah after 5 spoonfuls I give up. Haha.

But according to Joe, it's just too good. In the correct proportion. :)

And the soya bean milk? Just as good. I prefer the soya bean milk more cause it ain't that sweet. :)

I've seen people coming all the way from Penang, KL and other places just to try this on the first day of Raya. So famous eh? :)

Total : 2 bowls of tau fu fah and 2 bottles of soya bean milk
Damage done : RM5 for cheap good food

A bowl of tau fu fah is RM0.80
A glass of soya bean milk is RM0.80
A bottle of soya bean milk is RM1.70
A big bottle of soya bean milk is RM4.50

So go figure!

Funny Mountain Soybean & Traditional Tau Fu Fah
49, Jalan Theatre,
30300 Ipoh, Perak.
Tel No : 016-5950369,

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